Yiyun Chen
陈一云, 1978年生于山东曹县,现为山东工艺美术学院副教授,硕士生导师,天津美术学院客座教授,中国现代水墨学会会长,主要从事现代水墨方向的教学和研究。本科就读于南开大学东方艺术系中国画专业,硕士就读于天津美术学院中国画学院现代水墨专业,博士就读于韩国檀国大学造型艺术学院东洋画专业,曾任教于湖南城市学院美术与艺术设计系、山西师范大学美术学院。
Chen Yiyun, born in 1978 in Cao County, Shandong, is currently an associate professor and master’s supervisor at Shandong University of Art & Design. He is also a visiting professor at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and the president of the China Modern(Contemporary) Ink Society. His main focus is on teaching and researching modern (Contemporary)ink painting. He completed his undergraduate studies in Chinese traditional painting at the Department of Oriental Art, Nankai University. He earned his master’s degree in modern (Contemporary) ink painting at the Chinese Painting College of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and his Ph.D. at Dankook University’s College of Plastic Arts in Oriental Painting, South Korea. He has previously taught at the Department of Fine Arts and Art Design at Hunan City University and the Academy of Fine Arts at Shanxi Normal University.